Everything you need to know about the new Lot 20 Eco-Design legislation. Electric heating is changing The 1st January 2018 heralds the largest upheaval the electric heating industry has experienced in decades.
Creative Radiators comply with Lot 20 eco-design legislation,
Electric Heating is Changing
According to Lot 20 legislation of the EED (2015/1188).
All local space heaters for sale in the EU will need to adhere to these new rules, with new energy efficiency regulations coming into play that will likely change the landscape of available space Electric Heaters.
Eco-design requirements for local space heaters “LOT 20″
Every thermostat control feature has a set value that will positively contribute to the Electric Heater’s efficiency rating, and the more sophisticated the level of control, the larger the percentage bonus it will offer. Basic analogue controls do not fare so well. Only new digital programmers, app and sensors will be now used to achieve these new eco design standards and are legal.
New Electric heater will incorporate three key features:
- 24-hour or Timer Control. This could be an integrated digital programmer.
- Thermostatic Control. Accurate room temperature measurement by an electronic digital thermostat.
- Smart Start Control. V27, Open door or window recognition and presence detection technology to automate heating cycles.

“All local space electric heaters manufactured for sale in the EU after 1st January 2018 which use electricity, or liquid fuels, must comply with a minimum efficiency standard. This includes electric radiators, electric under floor heating and electric and gas fires.”
The Eco-design Directive – a real Innovation
This directive was created so that energy-using electric radiators, space heaters products would have a framework of basic requirements to make them as efficient and environmentally friendly as possible. Lot 20 relates to local space heaters and includes products such as storage heaters, electric radiators, panel heaters.
Space heaters are just one component of your home’s heating system. As not every outdated heater will fit into your home, you must consider whether the heater is compatible with other heating components you might be already using. In fact, an incorrect installation, commissioning and programming may actually increase your energy demand and even create safety risks!
Choosing an energy efficient compliant eco-design heater can lower your energy costs significantly. If your home is equipped with a conventional Oil, LPG gas-boiler using 25 MWh of energy per year, a new creative radiators heating system can save you up to 30% of energy consumption per year. In other words, the amount you save on energy running cost will cover the cost of your new electric heating system in just two to three years.
The Creative App
A revolutionary way of controlling your electric heating system – room by room, from anywhere in the world, using your pc, smartphone or tablet.
The new ‘Creative App’ means that if you can’t get home for any reason, you can simply turn off your electric heating, or turn it down to a lower temperature by 1 degree while you are away.If you are on holiday and the weather freezes back home, you can just turn on the heating in whichever rooms you choose, for as long as you choose.
If you are running late home, need to get changed and rush out again? Just give the hot water a quick blast while you drive home, so it is all ready and waiting for you.
The app will choose your heating priority for self-learning mode to adjust to your lifestyle, helping reduce your energy consumption and lower your heating bills, now that you have total 24/7 control over every room and every kilowatt of energy being used in your home while you are not there. User friendly and easy to set up. Just plug in, download, and away you go.

Please keep the Lot 20 legislation in mind if you are looking to update your electric heating system. If you’re considering purchasing a new electric heater for your home and want it to be as efficient as possible, it’s certainly worth checking with our qualified trained team whether it’s a real Lot 20 compliant product.